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A Quantified Self group in Amsterdam is starting a “Blood Testers” group using a lipid test kit. The projects investigation into how to collaborate and evaluate the data obtained is really cool, but even more so because of the personal project aspect.

Via QuantifiedSelf:

Our Plan

In fall 2017, a group of QSers from our breakout session in Amsterdam will receive a package in the mail containing an at-home lipid test kit. Expenses for the tests and setting up the project are being paid by our sponsor, Amgen. Through in-person meetings, webinars, and one-on-one online chats, participants will engage in three questions.

  • The first revolves around the nature of the project: What can we learn about ethical review, experimental design, execution, analysis and presentation by working in a group? 
  • The second question is scientific and one the group will answer together by conducting the same experiment: Given that lipids change over hours and days, but are normally measured but once per year, can we learn something new about our health by mapping these high-frequency changes? 
  • The third question will elucidate both process and personal lipid physiology: Each participant will design and execute a project of personal interest using insights gained during the first experiment. 


Both process and projects will be shared with the community over the next few months via posts here. We hope you’ll observe this process with us from start to finish (click the “bloodtesters” tag at the bottom of the article to see all related posts), and learn with us about the challenges and successes to be had in the process.