Btihaj Ajana and Jens Haaning have collaborated on a 13 minute long film which discusses the current upsides and dangers facing the self-tracker. The “Quantified Life Film” follows Thomas Blomseth Christiansen a well known QS’er in Denmark who is known for his sneeze tracking. Thomas was having health issues and did not agree with the lack of methodology that his physicians were using to diagnose him. Since 2011 Thomas has been debugging himself and has already improved his diet, exercise and learned to avoid allergens through monitoring symptoms and building custom tools. He also developed the Mymee app to track all of these.The film includes interviews with other well knowns from the self-tracking world including Deborah Lupton author of The Quantified Self.
Many interesting topics are brought up in the film:
- Tracking can lead to awareness, listening and make the individual more responsible for their health.
- QS methods applied to the population could reduce state medical expenses
- Fitting into or comparing oneself against the average
- Surveillance risks
- Commercial interests in personal data
- Forced to handover incrementing data
- Inability to retract raw data once it is out there
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