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How will this work in practice? The two organisations will work together to advance our shared goals, using our respective assets and capabilities to get many more adults and young people involved in the CoderDojo movement. The Raspberry Pi Foundation will also provide practical, financial, and back-office support to the CoderDojo Foundation.

More from TechCrunch:

This is not the Pi Foundation’s first such merger. Back in November 2015 it also joined forces with UK-based Code Club.

At the time there were around 3,150 Code Clubs in the U.K. with some 44,000 regular attendees, and a further 1,000 clubs globally. Figures that have since stepped up to almost 5,900 UK Code Clubs reaching around 82,000 kids, and a wider network of 10,000 Code Clubs around the world reaching circa 100,000 kids.

“Code Club and CoderDojo are both massively successful organisations in their respective areas, with strong brands. The rationale for the merger is the same: alignment of goals, communities and day-to-day activities, but very little overlap between programs and funding sources. We expect to be able to achieve significant economies of scale, and to learn from each others’ different approaches and experiences,” Colligan told TechCrunch.

Thats a wrap for this week, y’all! Have a great holiday weekend. See you Tuesday!