Daily tips and tricks from the experts at Adafruit!
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@healthoutsidethebox has been tracking and hacking her biology. Her latest chart is that of her fertility cycle which she measured her basal body temperature and changes in cervix fluid. She made use of the Kindara app to produce the above chart.

I have now tracked one full fertility cycle and this is my first chart. By measuring my basal body temperature and track the changes in cervix fluids I can determine when I’m fertile and not. P shows my peak day, my most fertile day. I’m using the app Kindara and I follow the rules partly from FAM (Fertility Awareness Method) and the Billings method. Conclusion: I don’t need to use hormone interfering contraceptives. Instead, I can follow the natural rhythm of my body. An empowering feeling!

Of course there is WINK (shown above) which will automatically upload basal body temperature and a time stamp to the Kindara App.