The Halo Sport is prosumer grade tDCS headset. It stimulates the motor cortex area of your brain with low voltage DC current in order to assist with learning. Halo Neuroscience claims that this training device will help accelerate gains in skill, strength, explosiveness and endurance when paired with athletic training. It looks like a high end pair of noise cancelling headphones and functions as that too. There is a matrix of electrodes made from the same thing soft graphite tips that Sharpie markers use. This device is popular with athletes and musicians today.
Via Sports Illustrated:
The headset is used for 20 minutes before a workout, while warming up, and the neuroplastic state lasts for about an hour afterwards. When the device is on, it creates an itchy feeling in the scalp. That feeling can be increased or decreased by adjusting the amplitude setting on the headset, connected via Bluetooth to an iOS device.
Ben Greenfield recently interviewed Dr. Daniel Chao who is the co-founder and CEO of Halo Neuroscience. Ben also gives out a coupon code for 10% off which is substantial as the device retails for $749 use BENGREENFIELD10.
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