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This 24-year-old made $345,000 in 2 months by beating Kickstarters to market

When inventory from a second order dwindled, Jack and his two partners placed an order for 15,000 Stress Cubes and faced the terrifying prospect of wiring $70,000 to a factory in Shenzhen without insurance or any guarantee that the cubes would arrive.

“All I have is a Skype contact with some lady in China, and I don’t know what her name is — not that that would matter if I knew her name, anyway,” says Jack. “It was the scariest thing I’ve ever done.”

But the shipment arrived, and the fear subsided. Though Stress Cube’s founders still have cause to worry: A patent could shut down the operation that grossed them nearly $350,000 in just two months.

Another quick success brought to you by the speed and execution of China’s manufacturing ecosystem. Here’s example of how entrepreneurs in the US of A might participate in that ecosystem instead of being baffled by it, as has often been the case in earlier gold rushes to China.