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Coala Life has created a tiny medical device which can be used by consumers at home for detecting heart disease. The device named Coala does a quick heart scan (ECG) by being placed on the chest or thumb and wireless uploads the data to the cloud via cell phone for processing. It’s nice to see the mobile health market rapidly expanding while simultaneously empowering consumers to take a roll in their health monitoring.


We believe in a world where mankind is digitized,
connected and screened for early detection and
disease prevention.

Coala Life is a Swedish medical technology and life science company focusing on focusing on heart diagnostics and mobile health. The company has developed the Coala Heart Monitor, a patented and commercial solution for remote monitoring and self-screening of heart sounds and ECG. We make it possible for everyone to monitor their heart.

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death around the world. A key contributor is late diagnosis. Coala Life was founded in 2004 by physicians and Swedish entrepreneurs to change that. Now the solution is here that replaces an analogue device from the 18th century, the stethoscope, with a digital solution that records both heart sounds, ECG, and heart rate. A unique solution that listens, measures and analyses heart data, which allows many heart diseases to be detected and treated early, including atrial fibrillation, which increases the risk of stroke significantly. A series of patents and unique technology is the base this unique Swedish system. Coala makes it possible for everyone to screen and monitor their heart, in close contact with physicians and cardiologists.