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Why This Ex-Google Design Exec is Building a Startup with Crazy Whiz Kids –

David and I bumped into the amazing Quin Etnyre at MakerFaire, where he gave us his Qduino mini board to play around with (shown in the photo above). I met him when he was 13 and he came to the first Project Ara Developer Conference. Now that David and I were making our own hardware, we asked Quin (and his equally amazing parents :) if he could help us with our prototyping efforts. They enthusiastically agreed, and both Quin and his friend Cesare have been an extended part of our core team. And if we reach our Kickstarter goal within the next 30 days, we hope to get as much of their time as possible to collaborate on making Peak a reality.

Read more.

Here is the Kickstarter “Peak Smart Lamp – Grow Daily”.