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The Myth of the Millennial Entrepreneur – The Atlantic. Why.. ?

The answer begins with more debt and less risk-taking. The number of student borrowers rose 89 percent between 2004 and 2014, as Lettieri said in his testimony. During that time, the average debt held by student borrowers grew by 77 percent. Even when student debt is bearable, it can still shape a life, nudging young people toward jobs that guarantee a steady salary. Entrepreneurship, however, is a perilous undertaking that doesn’t offer such stability. There is also some evidence that young people’s appetite for risk-taking has declined at the same time that their student debt has grown. More than 40 percent of 25-to-34-year old Americans said a fear of failure kept them from starting a company in 2014; it 2001, just 24 percent said so.

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It does appear (to us) that in the maker market there are less “kitchen-table” kit companies coming on the scene and more single-product companies/people doing Kickstarters for example. If you’re wondering who in a specific maker-market slice is doing products, we have a follow up from the hackster.io survery, here’s a time coded video URL to watch.