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MCT OilMCT’s (Medium Chain Triglycerides) are all the rage today. They offer mental clarity, sustained energy and weightloss. MCT typically comes in oil form and can be added to coffee or drizzled on salads.

The thing that is tricky to figure out is which MCT offers you the most bang for your buck. Just looking at the labels for the least expensive 4 brands on Amazon brands gives a good idea of which one to choose. These are all vegan products that come in 32 oz bottles.

Besides price please note the quantity of c8 (caprylic acid) and c10 (capric acid). While both c8 and c10 are present in ordinary coconut oil they make up less than 15% of it. Getting a quality refined MCT will give you 6-18x the quantities of c8 and c10.

There is a higher end market of MCT oils in the $30 – $50 range. Those MCTs are pure c8 which your body can convert to ATP in just three steps (much faster than sugar). The customer reviews tend to indicate that they do not notice a difference using those products over the mixed c8 and c10 MCTs. There are also not any studies I can find showing additional advantages of pure c8. YMMV.



