Daily tips and tricks from the experts at Adafruit!
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Adafruit 0699
SOLS – 3D Printed Custom Orthotics.

No templates or sub-sizes. Each insole is custom for your unique foot contours, body weight and lifestyle. Each SOLS insole is bio-mechanically engineered to stabilize and support your every step. Today SOLS has made truly customized insoles a reality by integrating next generation computer vision and 3D printed technology. Using your photos, digital modeling, and expert human analysis, we create a detailed, three dimensional map of your foot. Using this map, we build an insole unique to you.

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We haven’t tried this out yet, but it has what seems to be where things are heading, get an app, take high res photos (later 3D scan maybe) – stuff shows up in the mail, in this case – insoles. First there was super-cushiony shoes, then later the 5-finger Vibrams and barefoot, now custom 3D insoles. They’re in NYC so we’ll check it out and follow up in a future newsletter.

Kegan Schouwenburg is the CEO, more about her here and here.